The Power of VELscope: Early Oral Cancer Detection in Dundas
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and cancer today truly fits the statement. We cannot harp more on the importance of Early Cancer Detection. Here we are highlighting Oral Cancer Screening in Dundas that has helped save many lives and boosted patient outcomes. At Royal East Dental Dundas, we proudly talk about VELscope Oral Cancer Screening, a painless, non-invasive way to discover the early signs of precancerous and cancerous changes in the mouth.
Oral Cancer Detection Dundas is not easy. We’d say the primary culprit is a lack of awareness about the potential factors and signs. Whether it be smoking cigarettes, chewing tobacco, a ragged-edged broken tooth, or a recurrent tooth infection, ignored bad habits and untimely dental visits, all of it can harm oral health. Oral Cancer Screening periodically can help in this process.
Oral Cancer Screening in Dundas helps identify early changes in the oral tissues that may be a potential site of cancer. Screenings can rule out a probable suspicion too! Hence, stay with us as we take you through the VELscope Oral Cancer Screening Dundas—the latest and the best tech in Oral Cancer Screening.
The Importance of VELscope Oral Cancer Screening
Why is Early Detection of Oral Cancer important?
Early Oral Cancer Detection Dundas ensures that a repeated mouth sore/ulcer is treatable through minor dental procedures, stress management, and vitamin supplements. It identifies if any precancerous tissue changes are happening in the ulcer area.
Oral cancer screening tells you that a patchy area in the palate, gums, or cheeks is just inflammation or more.
It delineates lumps in the mouth and finds out the tissue changes in it have cancerous tendencies or are benign.
The earlier you detect, the faster you can act. Minor cancerous areas can be easily resected, or treated with non-invasive radio or chemotherapy. Thus, Oral Cancer Detection becomes important.
VELscope Oral Cancer Screening has numerous contributions to the early detection of oral cancer. Here’s how:
Early detection allows the chances of successful treatment and a better prognosis (chances of cure).
It is a non-invasive oral cancer screening method. The procedure is painless, quick, and non-scary. You are perfectly comfortable throughout the detection process.
VELscope cancer screenings detect subtle abnormalities that would otherwise go undetected during traditional examinations. So you have better accuracy.
Though efficient, it is a super short, 2-minute process; so yes, it is quick and convenient at the clinic.
It may give you more than that. You may get to see other oral abnormalities clearer, besides a potentially cancerous lesion.
The VelScope Oral Screening Process
The two components of the VELscope are the eyepiece with an optical filter and an LED ring light that emits blue light.
The LED ring light illuminates the mouth, this light of a specific wavelength targets specific tissues. The dentist sees this through the optical filter in the eyepiece.
Here is a step-by-step VELscope screening procedure as commonly followed:
Your dentist will start with a thorough exam, and a detailed consultation, and then the first step in the screening starts. He connects the VELscope device to an Apple iPod touch.
VELscope photosystem captures images of concerned areas of the mouth and stores them in the application under the patient’s chart.
Then starts the review process of the VELscope Oral Screening Process. The dentist reviews the images of the Oral Cancer Screening System and decides if a specialist referral and biopsy are required.
It is important to understand that this is a non-invasive VelScope process and is painless.
Trust the Experts: Choose Royal East Dental Dundas for Your Velscope Screening.
Royal East Dental Dundas has adopted VelScope as a part of Advanced screening techniques in oral cancer quite early in the process. Our dedicated, Comprehensive oral health services & Trustworthy dental professionals have made VelScope an easy inclusion into the oral cancer screening process. Reliable Velscope screening comes with hands-on, experienced Velscope screening specialists. We ensure that there is a complete orientation and training of the device for all our staff.
Why is Royal East Dental Dundas the Ideal Choice?
Royal East Dental Dundas can be your go-to place for VELscope Oral Cancer Screening. Here is why:
Skilled dental professionals: Dental professionals at our clinic are skilled and have years of experience in clinical patient outcomes and patient engagement.
Adoption of the latest technology: We ensure to follow all the recent scientific evidence and studies. To keep up with the latest dental technology, we adopt the latest materials, techniques, and devices in dental procedures.
Velscope Oral Cancer Screening is a non-invasive, painless way to visualize tissue changes in the mouth that can be cancerous or precancerous in nature. It is important for the early detection of cancer and hence better patient outcomes.
It works on the concept of using LED light of a certain wavelength to see tissues that show cancerous or precancerous changes. These visuals are seen through an optical filter in the eyepiece of the dentist.
Velscope screening detects tissue changes for precancerous and cancerous changes. For example, it is related to the palate, cheeks, gum vestibules, and soft palate.
Traditional oral cancer examinations include tissue scrapings, biopsies, and subsequent surgical wound care. Velscope screening is painless, non-invasive, and quick.
No. Velscope screening is NOT painful or uncomfortable. It is essentially the use of LED light of a certain wavelength to see tissues that show cancerous or precancerous changes.
Yes, Velscope screening is suitable for children and adults. It is non-invasive and uses a source of LED light at a certain wavelength for better soft tissue visualization.