What is Endodontics and How Can It Help My Dental Health?

What is Endodontics and How Can It Help My Dental Health?

October 20, 2023

A good dentist never gets on your nerves, and a root canal treatment (RCT) helps soothe the painful ones! Endodontic treatment is the scientific name for treating dental pulp infections through root canal therapy. It plays a crucial role in reducing severe toothaches, preserving a decayed tooth, and preventing the spread of a dental infection. With a proper oral hygiene routine, perfectly done endodontics services can last for years. Stay with us as we take a quick overview of endodontics and how it can help improve your oral health.

What is Endodontic Treatment?

Endodontics is a subset of dentistry that deals with the innermost layers of the tooth and its roots. In a nutshell, the endodontics treatment dentists help alleviate an unbearable, annoying toothache.

The insides of a tooth or the dental pulp are rich in blood vessels, minute nerves, and tissues. When the pulp gets damaged due to deep cavities, longstanding gum infections, or trauma like a fall, it initiates severe tooth sensitivity and pain. If left untreated, a pulp infection can jeopardize the longevity of the tooth. That’s where endodontic treatment comes in as a savior.

Modern dentistry is preventive; hence, patients and dentists prefer preserving the natural tooth as long as it can hold. The immense contribution of root canal treatment to saving a tooth is no match.

How Can Endodontic Treatment Help Your Dental Health?

The benefits of endodontics treatment in Dundas are multifold:

  • Preserves Your Natural Tooth: RCTs save you from a tooth extraction. An endodontic treatment cleans the visible decay and the infected part inside the tooth root. Following this, the dentist fills the entire tooth with a filling material called gutta-percha. This permanently seals the tooth and prevents it from getting reinfected repeatedly. This entails restoring the tooth with a dental crown, which preserves the longevity of your natural tooth for the next couple of decades or more
  • Relieves Pain Immediately: Endodontic services are the only way to relieve the unbearable, annoying toothache immediately! If a painful tooth has been keeping you up the entire night, then you should visit your dentist today!
    The endodontic treatment dentist will first numb the tooth and the gums around it, then proceed with the steps of root canal treatment. Following this, the next appointment will be scheduled, where the dentist will continue with the rehabilitation process of a dental crown. In the interim period, you will be advised to take the necessary medication for pain and infections, for example, painkillers and antibiotics
  • Contains the Dental Infection and Prevents Complications: Space infections are emergency complications of ignored endodontic infections. In such cases, pus and bacteria travel through the blood into the tissues and muscles of the cheek and neck. Such complications are medical emergencies that require immediate hospitalizations and ICU services. Endodontic treatment stops the infection from spreading to the surrounding gums, the bones, and sometimes to the jaws.
  • Prevents Gum and Bone Damage: As we mentioned above, RCTs done on time can prevent severe gum damage, gum recession, and bone loss. It increases the stability and strength of the tooth, helping you to hold on to your natural teeth for a long time.
  • Helps in Chewing Efficiently and Dental Esthetics: Endodontic services follow prosthetic and rehabilitative procedures. The dentist will permanently fill the tooth with a strong cement and then take impressions for a dental crown Dental crowns can be of several types—metal, ceramic, porcelain, or gold—and will ensure chewing and esthetics.


Root Canal Therapy in Dundas, Hamilton, has reached its pinnacle of success today. Endodontists in Dundas have gone beyond conventional root canal treatment to using rotary motorized instruments, soft tissue lasers, and microscopes for precise and accurate RCTs. If you have a toothache, cater to it today without delay!

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