The Importance of Oral Health: Promoting Awareness on National Dentist Day

The Importance of Oral Health: Promoting Awareness on National Dentist Day

March 8, 2024

Let’s make oral health the talk of the hour today and stop those cavities from taking our smiles away. We are back on yet another National Dentist’s Day just to give you a friendly reminder about the importance of oral health. This is for those who are eager to know how exactly to keep their mouths healthy, for the ones looking for a full-service dental office nearby, and for the oral health abiders who want to know the latest advancements in teeth care. Stay tuned for more on dental care in Dundas.

Importance of Oral Health: A Recap

Want to keep your smile glittering like a disco ball and your breath fresh as a minty breeze? So, buckle up your toothbrushes and get ready for a thrilling adventure through the beautiful world of oral health! From the highs of cavity-free happiness to the lows of dreaded dental drills, here’s why dentistry in Dundas is helping millions stay orally fit.

  • Oral Health, A Major Booster for Heart Health

Gum diseases caused by poor oral hygiene can directly impact your heart health. How?

The dangerous bacteria from gum infections linger in your mouth for a long time. These bacteria tend to enter the saliva and bloodstream easily. Over time, this becomes a source of inflammation in the blood vessels, eventually reaching the heart tissues. These inflammatory processes are known to increase the risk of blood clots and cholesterol buildup, accelerate the artery-hardening and narrowing process known as atherosclerosis, and worsen pre-existing cardiac diseases such as heart attack and stroke risk.

Studies show that chronic inflammation has been linked to numerous systemic health conditions in the cardiovascular system. 

To keep gums healthy and lower the risk of cardiovascular issues, it is imperative to brush, floss, and have regular dental examinations.

  • Oral Health to Keep Your Lungs Breathing Strong

Sometimes, quite similar to the above, lingering oral bacteria can pass into the lungs from the mouth. This happens through the aspiration of bacterial toxins into the lungs, causing respiratory infections and pneumonia and exacerbating conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Regular oral care, including brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, can help reduce bacteria levels and protect respiratory health, ensuring your lungs continue to breathe strong and free.

  • Good Oral Health, the Starting Point of Gut Health

Bacterial toxins that cause gum disease and tooth decay are dangerous. Blood, food, water, and saliva all carry these toxins into the digestive tract, upsetting the balance of bacteria in the gut and causing dysbiosis, or an imbalance in the gut microbiota, as well as long-term inflammation of the stomach. 

These lead to upset bowels, frequent bloating, flatulence, and impaired digestion.  

Efficient digestion and a balanced composition of gut flora are supported by proper oral hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing, which help prevent the growth of dangerous bacteria in the mouth.

Your dental office Dundas will help you understand the toothbrush and toothpaste that suits you the best. They will also tell you a proper oral hygiene regimen. 

  • Oral Health, a Major factor in Mental Wellness

Chronic gum inflammation, or gingivitis, can lead to bacterial toxins spreading to the bloodstream or neural pathways, which can result in dementia and potentially even Alzheimer’s disease. Dundas dentists often educate their patients about such correlations. 

Proper oral hygiene practices like brushing twice daily and flossing, help you keep a positive mental health and a confident grin. You approach each day with optimism.

  • Good Oral Health, a Must for Pregnancy

Gum disease can lead to several general health issues that can make it more difficult for a woman to become pregnant and carry a pregnancy to term. Premature birth, low birth weight, and gestational diabetes have all been associated with poor dental hygiene.   

Pregnancy needs extra care: Pregnant women should focus on expert dental care in Dundas, regular dental check-ups, and cleanings, to maintain excellent oral health and lower the risk of challenges for themselves and their newborns.

National Dentist's Day - Royal East Dental Dundas


With our team of top-rated dentists in Dundas, at Royal East Dental, we believe in educating the patient after every consultation, as we are looking at sustainability. We are proud to inform you that Dr. Inkesh Bajaj, our founder at Royal East Dental, is one of the Three Best Rated® Dentists in Hamilton, ON. As the best family dentist in Dundas, we first hear your dental complaints, thoroughly examine your mouth, and then suggest a treatment plan that will improve your oral and overall health. Feel free to connect with us this National Dentist’s Day and let’s help promote oral health awareness.

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