Does Invisalign Work Faster Than Braces?

Does Invisalign Work Faster Than Braces?

June 19, 2023

We all wish dental appointments were as fast as a Snapchat story! Much to your surprise, teeth aligners these days can very well be as fast as a social media scroll. Well, thanks to Invisalign aligners, teeth straightening is not a lengthy and tedious process anymore.

According to the 2014 American Association of Orthodontists “Economics of Orthodontics” survey, there was a significant increase in the number of adults seeking orthodontic treatment in the United States and Canada from 2012 to 2014. The survey revealed a 16 per cent increase during this period, reaching a record high of 1,441,000 patients aged 18 and older.

Adult patients now have access to treatment options that are almost imperceptible thanks to technology, AI, and premium quality materials like those in aligners. It’s surprising to discover the invisibility and speed of treatment that these options offer. Read on to find out how clear aligners are by far the fastest option for your smile makeover.

Invisalign Aligners Work Faster Than Regular Braces: A Quick Overview

While Invisalign and orthodontic braces have the same ultimate goal, they work in slightly different ways. Both are effective methods for correcting dental misalignments, but some factors suggest Invisalign aligners may offer faster results in certain cases. Let us understand how:

How do Braces Work?

Braces comprise of brackets (metallic or ceramic), wires, and other minute components like loops, coils, springs, bands, and elastics. These are affixed to one surface of the tooth and gradually apply point forces to them to initiate minor tooth movements. The wires and coils must be adjusted and tightened every month to move the crooked teeth into alignment.

Some of the distinct features of braces are:

  • Braces apply point forces only to one surface of the teeth. They are either affixed to the front of the teeth or the back (lingual braces).
  • The point forces are much lighter as compared to the theoretical forces required for teeth straightening.
  • Orthodontic braces move the teeth about 1 millimetre each month.

Effectivity of Braces

  • The applied forces do not change unless you visit the dentist at your next appointment. So even if the desired tooth movement is over,you cannot be sped up without the help of your dentist.
  • Children and teenagers frequently break the braces because of food restrictions, which delays treatment.
  • Difficulty in brushing teeth and residual food in the nooks and corners of the mouth initiate gum infection, which may also hamper healthier tooth movements.

The success of the braces treatment depends on the patient following any prescribed lifestyle adjustments and visiting the dentist on time. In addition, a good treatment plan, and premium-quality braces, will reap the best results possible.

How do Invisalign Aligners Work?

The aligner technology is distinct from traditional orthodontics. Known as the most compliant teeth straightening method, they are perfectly capable of handling minor tooth changes to tough complex cases like proclined teeth, deep bites and collapsed jaws.

Here is an insight into the functioning of the Invisalign technology:

  • A virtual treatment plan or the Clincheck is generated using Invisalign’s AI technology and the dentist’s inputs:

The dental AI highlights all the areas of interest for your dentist. It also generates a simulated virtual image of the present jaws and the final outcome, allowing better visibility of the condition and predictability of the results. This leaves no scope for any human error

  • Invisalign aligners involve the use of a series of clear, custom-made, soft, resin, BPA-free aligners that are worn over the teeth. As they envelop the teeth, the forces applied are holistic. The pressure for the tooth movement is from all directions.
  • The amount of force is greater, but painless because it is applied to the entire surface area of the tooth.
  • The aligners are designed to be worn for 20 to 22 hours per day and can shift each tooth as quickly as 0.25 to 0.30 mm in a week’s time.

Effectivity of Invisalign

  • The aligners must be worn for 20 to 22 hours per week before you can move on to the next set. You are not dependent on your next dental visit to initiate treatment progress.
  • There are no dietary restrictions because you remove the clear aligners while eating. There are no risks of breakages delaying treatment.
  • You must take out the aligners, brush your teeth, and thoroughly clean them too! Faster dental treatments depend on perfect oral hygiene.


With their respective pros and cons, both Invisalign and orthodontic braces provide satisfactory treatment outcomes. To understand what’s best for you, consult with your dentist offering Invisalign in Dundas today. With their superior technology and design for sustained application of forces, Invisalign aligners definitely work more quickly than braces. Whether it is for you or your teen, Invisalign is likely the quickest way to a Hollywood smile.

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